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Engineer's Week Luncheon

Date & Time: 
Wed, 02/20/2008 - 11:30am
Hilton Columbus at Easton Town Center, 3900 Changrin Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43219

Keynote Speaker: Carl F. Kohrt, President & CEO, Battelle

Innovative businesses see the future - and make it better. Battelle is investing today in key initiatives that will deliver a safer, healthier, and more productive tomorrow. Their tradition of innovation and R&D leadership are helping solve significant national and global problems. In fact, in 2007 Battelle earned 13 R&D 100 Awards, increasing their all-time total to 171 awards. Columbus, Ohio is fortunate that it is home to Battelle's World Headquarters. The organization, set up as a charitable trust in 1925, is not only helping the world, but also Columbus through a commitment to return a minimum of 20% of their net income to the community.

Sponsors: ASHE, OSPE, ASCE, APWA, WTS, IEEE and Engineer's Club of Columbus

Registration: Begins at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch & Program: Noon

Menu: Choice of Beef Lasagna, Chicken Piccata, or Grilled Portabella & Couscous (vegetarian).

Cost: Advanced Reservation and Payment Required
$25 pre-paid (reservation required by Friday 2/15/08)
$35 at the door (depending on availability, walk-ins may not be accepted)

Make checks payable to Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) and mail to:

WD Partners
Attn: Frances Rubio Rourke
7007 Discovery Blvd.
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Reservations: Online at
RSVP and mail payment prior to Friday, February 15, 2008 online; or by registering at the door (reservations the day of the event are not guaranteed)

Please provide names, company name, professional organization representing, menu choice, and contact number for all attendees.