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Historic Bridges Conference

The 8th Historic Bridges Conference will be held in Columbus, Ohio, April 28-29, 2008. The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between engineers and preservationists. Papers from both engineers and historians are welcome. Subjects of interest include but are not limited to engineering concerns for safety, performance, preservation, repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation of bridge and other historic structures as well as the historian’s perspective
on the needs and techniques for preserving historic engineering structures.

Authors wishing to present a paper at the conference should send a one-page abstract as soon as possible to

Hojjat Adeli
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
& Geodetic Science
The Ohio State University
470 Hitchcock Hall , 2070 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1275 U.S.A.

An electronic copy of the full-length paper is due
November 1, 2007