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September Luncheon Meeting

Date & Time: 
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 11:30am
Best Western, Columbus North, 888 E Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43229

Topic: Warm Mix Asphalt

H. Wayne Jones, PE – Senior Regional Engineer for the Asphalt Institute

The asphalt industry has started using a new technology call Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA). WMA started in Europe, but its use is rapidly expanding here in the U.S. There are several processes that allow the manufacture, transporting, and installation of asphalt mixtures from 50°F to 100°F cooler than traditional temperatures. One of the technologies even allows the mixture to be placed below 212°F. When the temperature is lowered that much, a whole host of environmental and construction benefits become a reality, such as lower fuel and energy usage, less greenhouse gases, longer paving seasons, and better performing pavements.

11:30 AM Registration
12:00 PM Lunch and Program

Best Western Columbus North
888 E Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43229

CPD Hours: 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour certificate will be issued at the conclusion of the program.

Menu: Choices are Roast Prime Rib, Baked Chicken, or Vegetarian Lasagna (please indicate your menu choice when registering)

Cost: $20 ASCE Members and Guests ($15 Life Members and $10 Students).

Reservations: Please e-mail (or phone in) reservations and menu selection to Julie Pickering at or (614) 486-4383 by 3 PM on Wednesday, September 9, 2009.